26 research outputs found

    Plataforma de Integración Hardware-Software para Testbed de Redes de Sensores Inalámbricas

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    El campo de las redes de sensores inalámbricas ha cobrado gran importancia en esta última década ya que se han abierto diversas líneas de investigación con el fin de poder llevar a la práctica los conceptos y definiciones que envuelven el potencial de esta tecnología, y que está llamada a ser el futuro en la adquisición de datos de cualquier entorno físico de aplicación, mediante una herramienta basada en la autogestión y desatención durante largos periodos de tiempo, capacidad de tomar muestras cuando sea necesario a través de nodos sensores que se caractericen por el ahorro de energía y que puedan ser capaces de trabajar de forma autónoma durante meses, y que el carácter inalámbrico de la red a desplegar facilite las tareas de instalación y mantenimiento. Ello requiere que las condiciones para que una red de sensores inalámbrica sea la forma más viable de monitorizar un determinado entorno se base en ciertos requisitos de diseño, como lo es la baja tasa de transferencia de datos por parte de los nodos (estos deben ser capaces de transmitir la información recolectada desde los sensores y luego permanecer dormidos hasta una nueva adquisición), hardware enfocado al bajo consumo de energía con el fin de evitar cambios en la fuente de energía (baterías) durante largos periodos de tiempo, adaptabilidad al entorno de aplicación, flexibilidad y escalabilidad de la red si la aplicación hace necesario la inclusión de nuevos nodos o la modificación de los ya existentes, sin que ello suponga mayores dificultades en su desarrollo e implementación. El Centro de Electrónica industrial de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid se incluye dentro de este último grupo, donde se ha diseñado una completa plataforma hardware para redes de sensores inalámbricas, con el fin de investigar las potencialidades, dificultades y retos que supone el realizar un despliegue de nodos inalámbricos en cumplimiento de características primordiales como autonomía, flexibilidad y escalabilidad de la red, además de la autogestión de los dispositivos que forman parte de ella. El presente trabajo de investigación se centra en cubrir estas necesidades, por lo que su principal objetivo es la creación de una plataforma de integración hardware-software que permita explotar todas las potencialidades de la arquitectura Cookies a través de una herramienta que facilite el despliegue, control y mantenimiento de una red de sensores inalámbrica, con el fin último de contar con un sistema total para el prototipado rápido de aplicaciones, soporte de pruebas de nuevos desarrollos y la posibilidad de implementación de dicha plataforma en cualquier entorno real, siendo sólo necesario realizar pequeños ajustes desde el más alto nivel de abstracción para que el sistema sea capaz de adaptarse por sí solo. Para cumplir tales propósitos y lograr una completa integración del sistema conjunto, ha sido necesario fijar principalmente tres líneas de trabajo que se enmarcan dentro de los objetivos específicos del presente proyecto, las cuales se detallan a continuación: Bibliotecas Software modulares: Basada en la filosofía de modularidad y flexibilidad de la plataforma hardware, se hace imprescindible primeramente contar con una plataforma software para el control de todos y cada uno de los elementos que componen al nodo Cookie, a partir de bloques funcionales que permitan gestionar desde el núcleo de procesamiento principal todas las características de la plataforma. Esto permitirá asegurar el control de los recursos hardware y facilitar la utilización de la plataforma desde un nivel más alto de abstracción, sólo con la configuración de parámetros estandarizados para el funcionamiento de la misma. Perfil de aplicación Cookies: Después de contar con bloques software que permitan controlar las características de bajo nivel del nodo inalámbrico, es necesario crear una herramienta para la estandarización de la forma en la que se comunican los dispositivos a nivel de aplicación, con el fin de gestionar las características y atributos de los nodos sensores de forma remota y facilitar el entendimiento entre ellos. Para ello, es necesario fijar ciertas directivas y reglas que permitan homogeneizar la gestión de tareas asociadas a los nodos Cookies, a través del diseño de un perfil de aplicación. Testbed para redes de sensores: Como resultado de las dos líneas anteriores de trabajo, la idea es contar con un instrumento que permita realizar pruebas reales haciendo uso de la plataforma de integración HW-SW, a partir de la gestión de todas las características y potencialidades que ofrece el perfil de aplicación creado y así facilitar el desarrollo de prototipos para aplicaciones basadas en redes de sensores inalámbricas, de forma rápida y eficiente. En este sentido, la idea es contar con un banco de pruebas basado en un despliegue de nodos Cookies que pueda ser controlado desde un ordenador central a través de una interfaz de usuario, desde el cual se lleva a cabo la monitorización y actuación sobre la red inalámbrica. Con el fin de lograr todos los objetivos planteados, ha sido necesario realizar un exhaustivo estudio de la plataforma hardware descrita anteriormente con el fin de conocer la forma en la que interactúan cada uno de los elementos incluidos en los nodos, así como la arquitectura y filosofía de los mismos, para poder llevar a cabo la integración con el software y, como se verá más adelante, realizar ajustes en el hardware para poder implementar correctamente las funcionalidades diseñadas. Por otro lado, ha sido necesario analizar las características de la especificación ZigBee y, sobre todo, las propiedades que posee el módulo de comunicaciones que incluye la plataforma hardware, el ETRX2, con el fin de poder realizar una configuración y gestión adecuada de los nodos a través de la red inalámbrica, aprovechando las posibilidades y recursos que ofrece dicho módulo

    Testbed infrastructure for debugging, analyzing and optimizing WSN nodes based on a modular HW-SW architecture

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    The Internet of Things has emerged as one of the key aspects to the future of the Wireless Sensor Networ ks and their impact in new applications in real environments. This concept poses new challenges in the implementation, testing and assessment of efficient, robust and reliable technologies and prototypes under this paradigm. In this way, the run-time remote interaction with the deployment of hundreds of in-f ield nodes in which developers have to be able to control and manage the wireless network anywhere at any time also implies new objectives to be achieved in order to adapt or even create new HW-SW platforms. In this work, the design and implementation of a complete testbed infrastructure as a support tool for improving the effectiveness and the applicability of sensor nodes to real applications is presented, focused on the m odular architecture of the Cookie hardware platform and aiming to help developers to integrate and optimize the whole WSN system to the final applications in the real world

    Testbed architecture and framework for debugging wireless sensor networks

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    The Internet of Things has emerged as one of the key aspects for the future of the Wireless Sensor Networks and their impact on new applications in real environments. This concept poses new challenges in the implementation, testing and debugging of efficient, robust and reliable technologies under this paradigm, specially in a pre-deployment stage where HW-SW platform prototypes are to be optimized prior to their inclusion in actual deployments. In this work, the design and implementation of a complete testbed infrastructure as a support tool for improving the effectiveness and the applicability of sensor nodes to real systems is presented, focused on the modular architecture of the Cookie platform and aiming to help developers to integrate and improve the whole WSN operation to final real-world scenarios

    A reliable support tool for monitoring, testing and debugging wireless sensor cookie nodes

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    In this work a WSN Support Tool for developing, testing, monitoring and debugging new application prototypes in a reliable and robust way is proposed, by combining a Hardware -Software Integration Platform with the implementation of a parallel communication channel that helps users to interact to the experiments in runtime without interfering in the operation of the wireless network. As a pre-deployment tool, prototypes can be validated in a real environment before implementing them in the final application, aiming to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the technology. This infrastructure is the support of CookieLab: a WSN testbed based on the Cookie Nodes Platform

    Modelling and planning reliable wireless sensor networks based on multi-objective optimization genetic algorithm with changeable length

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSN) have shown their potentials in various applications, which bring a lot of benefits to users from different working areas. However, due to the diversity of the deployed environments and resource constraints, it is difficult to predict the performance of a topology. Besides the connectivity, coverage, cost, network longevity and service quality should all be considered during the planning procedure. Therefore, efficiently planning a reliable WSN is a challenging task, which requires designers coping with comprehensive and interdisciplinary knowledge. A WSN planning method is proposed in this work to tackle the above mentioned challenges and efficiently deploying reliable WSNs. First of all, the above mentioned metrics are modeled more comprehensively and practically compared with other works. Especially 3D ray tracing method is used to model the radio link and sensing signal, which are sensitive to the obstruction of obstacles; network routing is constructed by using AODV protocol; the network longevity, packet delay and packet drop rate are obtained via simulating practical events in WSNet simulator, which to the best of our knowledge, is the first time that network simulator is involved in a planning algorithm. Moreover, a multi-objective optimization algorithm is developed to cater for the characteristics of WSNs. Network size is changeable during evolution, meanwhile the crossovers and mutations are limited by certain constraints to eliminate invalid modifications and improve the computation efficiency. The capability of providing multiple optimized solutions simultaneously allows users making their own decisions, and the results are more comprehensive optimized compared with other state-of-the-art algorithms. Practical WSN deployments are also realized for both indoor and outdoor environments and the measurements coincident well with the generated optimized topologies, which prove the efficiency and reliability of the proposed algorithm

    Novel cluster-based routing protocol optimization approach for wireless sensor mesh networking

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    In this work, a novel and powerful mechanism for optimizing dynamic routing protocols in wireless se nsor mesh networking is deeply proposed and studied, by taking advantage and the benefits of flat-based routing techniques in combination with hierarchical strategies, so that a more efficient and energy/processing aware multi-path dissemination protocol is fully implemented. The communication and routing capabilities of W SN-based smart applications are key issues to be tackled in order to assure the reliability, scalability and long-term operability of the whole system. In order to accomplish such a challenging approach and targeting the on-site perf ormance analysis of routing protocols in real scenarios, a new intelligent, mobile and adaptable routing protocol simulator is also proposed, so that users are provided with a complete comparative study of different multi-hop mesh-based network deployments based on the design constraints and application requirements

    A novel on-site deployment, commissioning and debugging technique to assess and validate WSN based smart systems

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    In this work a novel on-site toolset-based architecture for tackling the main challenges of deploying and commissioning large scale WSN-based systems is proposed. This is one of the first implementations that addresses a complete set of runtime algorithms to efficiently deploy sensor platforms in the target scenarios based on the inclusion of the real behavior of the nodes within the in-situ simulation chain, combined with the integration of runtime diagnosis and reprogramming strategies to analyze the performance of the deployment in-field

    Radio propagation modeling and measurements for ZigBee based indoor wireless sensor networks

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    The deployment of nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) arises as one of the biggest challenges of this field, which involves in distributing a large number of embedded systems to fulfill a specific application. The connectivity of WSNs is difficult to estimate due to the irregularity of the physical environment and affects the WSN designers? decision on deploying sensor nodes. Therefore, in this paper, a new method is proposed to enhance the efficiency and accuracy on ZigBee propagation simulation in indoor environments. The method consists of two steps: automatic 3D indoor reconstruction and 3D ray-tracing based radio simulation. The automatic 3D indoor reconstruction employs unattended image classification algorithm and image vectorization algorithm to build the environment database accurately, which also significantly reduces time and efforts spent on non-radio propagation issue. The 3D ray tracing is developed by using kd-tree space division algorithm and a modified polar sweep algorithm, which accelerates the searching of rays over the entire space. Signal propagation model is proposed for the ray tracing engine by considering both the materials of obstacles and the impact of positions along the ray path of radio. Three different WSN deployments are realized in the indoor environment of an office and the results are verified to be accurate. Experimental results also indicate that the proposed method is efficient in pre-simulation strategy and 3D ray searching scheme and is suitable for different indoor environments

    A novel on-site deployment, commissioning and debugging technique to assess and validate WSN based smart systems

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    In this work a novel on-site toolset-based architecture for tackling the main challenges of deploying and commissioning large scale WSN-based systems is proposed. This is one of the first implementations that addresses a complete set of runtime algorithms to efficiently deploy sensor platforms in the target scenarios based on the inclusion of the real behavior of the nodes within the in-situ simulation chain, combined with the integration of runtime diagnosis and reprogramming strategies to analyze the performance of the deployment in-field

    On-the-fly dynamic reprogramming mechanism for increasing the energy efficiency and supporting multi-experimental capabilities in WSNs

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    Remote reprogramming capabilities are one of the major concerns in WSN platforms due to the limitations and constraints that low power wireless nodes poses, especially when energy efficiency during the reprogramming process is a critical factor for extending the battery life of the devices. Moreover, WSNs are based on low-rate protocols in which as greater the amount of data is sent, the more the possibility to lose packets during the transmitting process is. In order to overcome these limitations, in this work a novel on-the-fly reprogramming technique for modifying and updating the application running on the wireless sensor nodes is designed and implemented, based on a partial reprogramming mechanism that significantly reduces the size of the files to be downloaded to the nodes, therefore diminishing their power/time consumption. This powerful mechanism also addresses multi-experimental capabilities because it provides the possibility to download, manage, test and debug multiple applications into the wireless nodes, based on a memory map segmentation of the core. Being an on-the-fly reprogramming process, no additional resources to store and download the configuration file are needed